MS Dev Podcast Show - December 19, 2014
I had the very cool experience of being invited to be part of the MS Dev Show, a Podcast focused on Microsoft Developer Technologies hosted by Carl Schweitzer and Jason Young. I enjoy the show when I get to a chance listen and, truth be told, Jason was one of the inspirations for me switching my blogging engine to Docpad. That means I was pretty excited to be invited on!
The Podcast mostly focused on AngularJS, but we talked a bit about some of the upcoming Visual Studio changes and ASP.NET vNext, which is going to be really cool for Microsoft Developers. You can get a hint of what is coming on one of my recent blog posts Running ASP.NET vNext on OS X.
You can listen to the show at Wished I would have sounded a bit more eloquent for everyone, but kind of sleep deprived.
Thanks Carl and Jason!